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Why the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) Matters

specialty graphic imaging association

When you consider purchasing a membership in an organization, you should always try to determine the value such a membership really is. After all, nearly everyone has been talked into a membership that they later regretted buying, whether it was because it cost too much money or the value of the membership was questionable. Different types of groups also have different values to individuals. For example, genealogy groups might be valuable to one person, worthless to another. At one time or another, nearly everyone is approached about joining a professional group or trade association. In most cases, most people are tempted to join on the first impulse. After all, don’t these groups benefit us in our careers and give us relationships that will enhance our futures? Not necessarily.

The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association is different. Much different. In fact, when it comes to keeping up with what is going on in the specialty graphics imaging business, there are few organizations anywhere that are better suited to keeping you up to date on what is happening from a technical perspective as well as a business.

Working on a day to day business, it’s hard to keep up with everything that is constantly going on from a technological basis. that’s a fact of life, whether you attend shows, or just attempt to keep up by reading the trade journals. There is simply no way you can keep up. And this doesn’t even consider the perspective you must face on a daily basis where you must run your business and keep up with all the advances that will allow you to do that better too.

So what if you were told that you need to have ways to keep up with what the latest and greatest is in your business? Would you consult with all the libraries and other sources available to you? Let’s face it. Nobody has that kind of time and resources. Besides, a single day of running your business and you are pretty spent at the end. You could take classes at a local college or adult education organization, but who has the time, much less the regular schedule that would allow you to do that?

By joining the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association you can take advantage of all the benefits of education in your field without committing to a lot of extraneous hours outside of your business and your regular life. The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association provides members with all the information they need to keep current with the technical aspects of their field as well as the latest in business management techniques. Not only that, but all of this is provided in formats that will allow you to keep current while keeping up with your life otherwise. You really can learn what you need to know as well as learn the latest that will give you the advantage of running a cutting-edge business in your field of specialty.

By keeping up with the publications offered by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association you can learn literally what everyone else is taking the time to take full courses to learn, and you can do it for far less. And you don’t have to worry about whether you will be taught a lot of things that you don’t need to learn. You will learn only what you need, and not what some Ivory Tower professor things you need to do your job.

Perhaps best of all, by becoming a member of the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association you will be telling the world that you take the time and effort to keep up to date with what your profession is all about and that you know the latest techniques and tools to make your work the best it can be. Membership in the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association tells all of your clients and potential clients that they can have the confidence in your work and know that when you give you a job to do, it will be done to a high level of professionalism and craftsmanship.

Why not join today to get your business up to speed on what you can offer your clients?


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